Electronic mailing list subscribers are individuals that receive bulk emails, such as weekly and/or monthly newsletters. Based on the software program that’s used to manage a specific list, they may have joined personally, expressing their explicit consent to be included in the mailing list, or they may have been included manually. The latter means that they will technically get unsolicited email messages. Basically, members can be managed by the mailing list moderator who can add or delete them, or they can manually unsubscribe if they don’t want to receive emails from now on. All subscribers will invariably get the same message on the condition that they are part of one and the same mailing list, but a single member will never be able to view the rest of the mailing list subscribers in the "To" section of the message.

Mailing List Members in Website Hosting

Managing the subscribers for any mailing list created under a website hosting account with us is stunningly easy. We rely on a feature-stuffed piece of software called Majordomo – one of the most widely used mailing list client apps for setting up and administering mailing lists available on the marketplace. It will allow you to add, to remove or to view all the mailing list members by simply sending an email message to majordomo@your-domain.com. Newly added members will have to verify their membership, so you can’t simply add a mailbox and begin sending regular emails to it through a mailing list without the user’s explicit consent. In case you chance upon any problems, we have a detailed educational article in the Email Manager section of the Hepsia Control Panel that is included with every web hosting account, as well as a 24/7 help desk support team, which will assist you with any questions concerning the mailing list features.

Mailing List Members in Semi-dedicated Hosting

With our Linux semi-dedicated hosting packages, there isn’t any restriction on the number of Internet mailing list members that you can have. You can administer the subscriptions without any difficulties using the Majordomo mailing list management software app that we offer with each account and as soon as you set up a brand new mailing list via the Email Manager section of your Hepsia hosting Control Panel, you’ll be able to include new mailing list members. The latter will get an email message in order to verify that they wish to receive your newsletters in the future and once they do that, they will become part of the mailing list. Deleting a mailing list member or seeing all present subscribers is also quite easy and involves sending an email to the mailing list’s administrative email address, so you will be able to administer everything even if you are not logged in to your Control Panel. We also have instructional articles with handy information.